We started the day traditionally with waking Lucas up with singing, and presents in bed. He got so many nice things!
And then I went back to bed, and got sung to as well! And I got presents too! Five new charms for my Pandora bracelet, yay!
It was a bit of a crazy day yesterday with lots of driving around. After drop off I drove all the way in to town, to buy a cake (for myself) and one for Ida, then I drove home to have coffee and cake with a few of my friends. That was really nice, I got some lovely presents and had a great morning.
Then I rushed off to school to pick up Linnea, and we took the little cake, some pressies and balloons and went off to see the 5 hour old baby Ida at the hospital. Oh, she was cute!
It was a bit of a strange feeling, being back at a maternity ward, on the day exactly 5 years after I first stayed at one... It was very emotional.
We didn't stay too long as Anne was tired, and we were having a busy afternoon in front of us. We drove back in to town to pick up Lucas' cupcakes, and took them out to his school. His little class mates all sang to him (and to me!) and he got to blow his candles out and everybody got a chocolate fudge cupcake with Superhero designs on them!
After school, Daddy had promised Lucas that Mummy was going to build his new Lego... thanks... (Daddy of course wasn't home!) It was a Batman package, 8-14 years - so it took me a couple of hours!
Mix in that trying to manage a very eager Skype-phone and lots of text messages, and the afternoon was really busy!
I then left the kids with our amah, and went to the Hash. It was a really nice hash yesterday, a good run but above all a great on-on at a nearby house. They had music outside, and had put on a fab BBQ meal for us, the ambiance was great and I drew advantage of the fact that I didn't have to drive home and had myself some birthday wine!
Finished the evening off with a friend coming with me home and having a few Baileys and a good chin-wag, very nice!
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