Saturday 21 January 2012

Birthday morning

Birthdays are a big thing in our family, well maybe mostly to me - and the kids of course, but they are kids and all kids like birthdays! I especially like our birthday mornings!
We always sing to each other, this birthday morning we woke up Lucas as usual with birthday song and presents:

Lucas got lots of great stuff, Ninjago Lego, books, Star Wars Tech Deck, a new bike helmet, a Lego Sorting Head, more Lego, a Halvan book, a Swedish DVD, Zumba clothes, an All Black wallet and much more.

I got sung to too! In Swedish even, lucky me!

I got Zumba clothes from the family in Scotland:

And a beautiful ring and two charms from Pandora from my darlings:

Birthday people!

Then we watched two video greetings from Aberdeen:

Time for breakfast at the birthday table, before heading to Athletics Day at school for the kids, and Zumba session for me!

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