Sunday 30 January 2011

Going, going - gone

The Kids Hash today was at a familiar site not far from us, Morley Movers. In fact, the first hash I ever laid was at that site.
Unfortunately, it doesn't quite look the same anymore. The hash today was mostly through a very gloomy open landscape of ravaged jungle, and acompanied by the roaring sounds of the bulldozers, diggers and trucks working hard.

The destruction is vast, and fast. They are planning to build 4000 new houses here apparently.

It made me feel really sad today walking around what used to be beautiful, lush jungle... Such a shame.


Dina said...

Ja, sorgligt är det...under de två år vi bodde i KL såg vi en enorm förändring, och sedan dess har det bara fortsatt. Hus och motorvägar byggs i en som verkar som en aldrig avtagande takt. Inte undra på, när man ser tillväxttakterna i ekonomierna i asien, de takterna kan man ju inte uppnå utan massiva infrastruktursatsningar...

Anonymous said...

Its so sad...In the 5 years we are here you can watch how the green is disappearing more and more. Katrin

malin2 said...

So sad.
What will be left??

Tina said...

one of the most beautiful hash runs now decimated.. so so sad..