Monday, 1 November 2010


Today was a big day for our little footballer. The Y1 & Y2 football ASA boys received teams from the other international school, ISB, to play some friendly games.
They played some 5-on-5 and it was actually really impressive to see how their play has grown this year already! They were keeping their positions, knew their tactics; they were focused and also very good sportsmen. It was a pleasure to watch!

Play is on! (Lucas in blue team-shirt, black shorts and socks and green cap)

Yay - they scored the first goal!

Team tactics being discussed:

Not so fun being a sub on the sideline:

Laying a corner:

Here is the part of the cheering squad that was not so interested in cheering at all...

It was hot out there!

Shaking hands saying thank you for the game:

Today's results in the games Lucas participated in were: 2-1, 1-0 and 1-2 to JIS! Yay!

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