It's extra tough to say goodbye to really good friends who have been big parts of my everyday life, like Kim, my Canadian friend. She's off to new adventures in Denver, Colorado next month, and I'll greatly miss her here.
We are making sure we are seeing her off properly though - both with a hugely entertaining girls dinner out the other night...

Beenal (Greet & Treats) had made a cake for Kim, that showcased some of the things she has loved the most about Brunei - the CrossFit, Bukit Shabandar, Zumba and the Hash of course (see those little bits of paper along the trail?). It was gorgeous!
We gave her a pewter photo frame from Royal Selangor, to display together with her and her kids' hash potties, which are also pewter. I had put a photo in it from her last jungle run at the Hash on Tuesday, when she had to wear the leaving bells.
Anne had written her a very touching poem, that made us all a bit teary when she read it out.
I will be taking Kim and the family to the airport though, so it's not goodbye for us just yet. Not that I'm really looking forward to that... I'm not very good at goodbyes... :(
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