Thursday 23 February 2012

Zumba, zumba, zumba - zumba!

The Year 1 classes are learning about how to be healthy as their IPC topic this last part of this term.
They approach this different ways, for example they've had a visit from a dentist; they have been talking about healthy food to go in their lunch boxes and they are also doing some extra exercise. They do aerobics once a week - and Zumba once a week!

I got asked if I wanted to help out and take all three classes for a mini session of Zumbatomic for this special topic, and sure I did - what fun!
So every Wednesday at the moment, just before school pick-up, I have around 60 (!) Year 1 students for about 15 minutes of Zumbatomic - it's fab! We have been doing fairly easy (and repetitive) routines of course because of the limited time, but the kids love it!

This week we did "El baile del gorila" (=the gorilla dance) and the favourite so far: "Chihuahua", they are all getting down with it!