Wednesday 18 July 2012

Pavlova perfection

Pavlova is a very traditional NZ dessert, and since I met Nathan I've had quite a few of them as desserts through the years. Our friend Tash here makes a really good Pav, and so does Misuzu actually - even though she's only Kiwi by proxy, like me!

Nikki did us a Pav for the last Creative Crew lunch, and we also had one for dinner one night. Since I mastered the 'Bacon&Egg Pie' last time Yvonne was here, I thought this time it was about time to learn how to do the Pav!

Step 1, Beating the egg whites, whilst adding the sugar a litte bit at a time. I had a very good helper for this!

Step 2, Adding the vanilla extract and the vinegar. Important to measure exactly.

Step 3, Spooning it out to make it round, and high! Into the oven it goes.

And - ta-daaa, here's the finished result! Pretty nice if I might say so myself!
Lucas had requested a chocolate one, so we mixed a bit of cocoa powder in the meringue and sprinkled chocolate chips over it. It was just as yummy as it looks!

The proud chef and the masterpiece:

Everybody who likes the Pavlova, hands up!

1 comment:

  1. have you ever tried making Italian meringue? thats pretty amazing too..


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