Monday, 17 March 2014

♥ ♥ ♥

So, we finally reached it, our last day in the Abode of Peace.
When this is published, we are probably just about take off from Brunei International Airport, to embark on our next adventure in our new home country. As our life here in Brunei is coming to an end, so is also this blog... This will be my very last post at 'Life in Brunei'.

(Do follow us on here instead!)

Thank you Brunei and all your people for 6 1/2 fantastic years, it's been a blast!
We will always keep very warm memories of our time here.
So long Brunei. ♥ ♥ ♥


  1. I've just found your website. I was Lucas's Year 1(Mr Jolly) teaching assistant. Good to see that he's growing up well. Brunei will miss you. At least it's not going anywhere and you can always visit.

  2. Aw, I love your blog and guess where i'm from! Brunei! Your posts are so amazing, I'm glad you had a lovely stay here in Brunei! <3 Best of luck!!


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