Saturday, 19 May 2012

Boro Boro

After starting at JIS last year, the last two terms I've been taking the Zumbatomic After-School-Activity at both the JIS and ISB schools.
At ISB the age group is slightly older, so we have been able to do more "proper" routines. Also, the girls being a little bit older, we have all along had the aim to at some stage do a performance at school. Last term we got off to a late start, and didn't have time to rehearse; so these girls have been very keen for a long while now to perform in front of their friends.

Last Tuesday it was finally their time to shine! They did a performance in the ISB "Brunei's got Talent" show. Here they are, costumes on and make up done - waiting for their turn:

Starting to get a little bit nervous... Me too!

We have had a recurring theme of dances and rhythms from different countries this term, so we chose for them to do a Bollywood routine - Boro Boro.

They were absolute stars, so proud of them! Well done girls!

1 comment:

  1. Just catching up on my blog-reading now I'm back in the UK... and it was so lovely to see some shots of ISB! I'm glad your ECA there has been such a success. Kx


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