Friday 30 March 2012

A Singapore conclusion

Just like last time they were here, Mormor and Morfar wanted to finish off their trip with a few days in Singapore. Breaking up the return trip made it a bit easier last time, "only" having two sectors to do in one go - but also there is so much to see and do in Singapore, they had more sights on their wish list for this time.

So, we went along too of course! We took the RBA flight over early Monday morning and had some excited little people waiting for us at the hotel - the Roses:

It was such a nice reunion, the kids were all electric!

We went for a quick lunch just across from the hotel, at Parkway Parade. There is this burger chain called Carl's Jr there, that I'd never tried before - mmm, that's what I call a burger!
Mormor and Morfar just wanted a little snack, so they asked for their smallest burger... Ha ha, well:

Then we took a quick little walk over to the shuttle bus to take us around to the Roses' condo (our final destination was the MRT station, but easier to go via their condo because none of us really know otherwise how to get there..!).

Mormor and Morfar really enjoyed the shuttle bus trip, they like getting out and about and get a look of things. Best $1,20 spent all day! :)

The bus stopped for 15 minutes at their condo, so we had time to look around for a little bit. No time to go up to the apartment, but at least we saw their playground, and their pool!

Since it was raining, Mormor had this idea that she wanted to do a long MRT trip. Again, to "have a look around"! So, we all got some tickets and jumped on the train.

You see, it mostly goes over ground in Singapore, so you do actually get a good view of the whole town. Even the kids thought it was pretty exciting! They spotted trucks and cranes and other things!

Mormor and Morfar took the green line from Bedok to City Hall - then traveled the whole of the red line, and back on the green line and out to the hotel again (nearly 2 hours later..)!

Misuzu, the kids and I only went along for about 15 minutes, then we turned around and went to... IKEA in Tampines! :) Yay!
I only came away with a small carrier bag (well, and a carpet!), but the kids got to play in the Småland Playland, and Misuzu and I got to have a good look of all the summer news. So a very good afternoon had by all!

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