Wednesday 1 October 2008

Selamat Hari Raya!

Yes, the moon was sighted tonight, Ramadan is over for this year and it's finally here - Eid al Fitr. I wrote a bit about the Hari Raya celebrations last year, so I wont repeat too much of that here.

This year we have been invited to an open house next weekend, at one of Lucas' school mates home, which will be really interesting.
The women have been baking cookies by the dozen and prepared lots and lots of food the past few weeks, because hundreds of visitors can be expected to these open houses!
When they hold open house, that is exactly what it says - anyone is welcome to visit at any time, and food and drink is always available. You are expected to bring your children, as it is a family occasion, and if you have guests of your own to stay - bring them too, the theme is "the more the merrier"!

I asked a local friend, how to go about these visits; do I bring anything, what to wear etc? All I need to do apparently is show up when I get invited, dressed as I wish, and enjoy the hospitality. I'm not supposed to take any gifts but just try to eat and drink just a little. MY kids will then apparently receive a little envelope with a few dollars!
Of course, I will tell you all about it once I have been!

Right now we are listening to the numerous fireworks outside being set off to celebrate Raya. Unfortunately they seem to be more into the noise than the pretty displays, so we don't see anything, just hear lots of loud bangs from all directions. Lucky the kids seem to sleep through anything!

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