Sunday 13 April 2008

Kindy Schedule 14-18 April

Term 3 Week 2 - Book Week

Next week at school, the whole school is having "Book Week". Even in Kindy, everything is about books the whole week.
They will be talking about different types of books, peepo books, touchy-feely books, counting books etc; and have lots of children from the Junior School to come and read and share stories with the class. Us parents are invited too, to come and share our favourite stories, so I will have to find a good one to read!

The famous author Anne Fine is visiting the JIS school this week and although it's mostly the older kids that are excited about this - she will come and read to the Kindy class as well.
On Tuesday they have dress-up day, where they can come dressed as their favourite book character, and will bring the story to match the costume. We are still negotiating with Lucas about who he will go dressed as...

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